Michael Mamas
Michael Mamas is the founder and chief executive officer of The Center of Rational Spirituality (CRS) and the founder and developer of Mount Soma, a 448-acre non-denominational community and destination center near Asheville, North Carolina, designed to support spiritual growth, personal development, and health. He is the acclaimed author of nine books (including a novel, books for reflection, a home study course, a children’s book, and an anecdotal book translated into Japanese).
Michael Mamas’ lifelong search for wisdom led him to seek out and study under great thinkers of the United States, India, Europe, China and the Philippines. The wisdom and knowledge he gained compelled him to dedicate his life to helping people evolve both personally and spiritually, by facilitating the natural development of their consciousness. His teaching of Rational Spirituality helps people move beyond their current level of spiritual understanding, whether they are atheist, any religion, or a creed. He teaches discernment as opposed to judgment, multiple realities as opposed to one way, and resting into your true nature as opposed to trying to be better. He helps people move forward in their field; gain health and vitality; and live their full potential.
Dr. Mamas earned his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Ohio State University. There, he was also a double major in undergraduate honors math and physics. Later, he obtained a Master of Business Administration from Maharishi International University, with a specialty in nonprofit management.
In 2007, he was awarded the title of Adhyatm Vidhya Visharad (Master of the Highest Spiritual Knowledge, the deepest awakening of the Self) from Bhagavan Yagnyavalkya Ved Tatavagyan Yogashram, the Sanskrit College at the University of Gujarat, India. He is the only person from the West to ever receive this award.
Michael Mamas established CRS to help people awaken to their inherent spirituality and health by providing free and affordable resources. Through CRS, he lectures, gives interviews, teaches classes, provides free meditation instruction online, leads meditation retreats, and writes articles, books, and blogs. By combining Surya Ram Meditation, personal development, and Knowledge based on the nature of existence, he is able to offer realistic and profound wisdom suitable for all ages and backgrounds. What he offers is the basis for true happiness, successful relationships, wise business endeavors, and general fulfillment in all areas of life.
All classes and retreats are sponsored by CRS. These programs enliven one’s depth, free individuals from conditioning and facilitate the natural unfolding of one’s true nature. Classes are offered on both coasts of the United States.
Presently, Dr. Michael Mamas’ focus is on Mount Soma, a 448-acre community designed to help evolve the individual, the community, and the world. Vedic technology—an applied science based upon the fundamental principles of nature—is used throughout the property. As part of that application, Mount Soma is designed to resonate with the deepest part of a person. Even the buildings carry the health and vitality inherent in nature. By simply being at Mount Soma, people’s personal evolution, health, and wellbeing are all supported. Persons of all faiths travel to Mount Soma, and in 2014 alone, Mount Soma hosted over 15,000 visitors.
Michael Mamas Videos
Dr. Michael Mamas has many videos on his YouTube Channel. The "Your Philosophy of Life" video below provides a good introduction to what Michael Mamas teaches.
Michael Mamas Audios
Many downloadable audio files are available on SoundCloud, including the below audios.
Awakening to Your True Nature Series (2 tracks), by Michael Mamas
Fundamental Principles Series (6 tracks), by Michael Mamas
Science & Spirituality Series (8 tracks), by Michael Mamas
It’s Gotta Make Sense Series (10 tracks), by Michael Mamas
What is Genius? (8 tracks), by Michael Mamas
Michael Mamas Slideshows on SlideShare
There are many Michael Mamas slideshow presentations available on SlideShare.
The slideshows offer profound wisdom about life and the nature of existence, and feature incredible photography from Tanja Mamas.
Summary and Excerpts of Books by Michael Mamas
These books are available for purchase on mountsoma.org. All purchases support CRS.
Unconditioned Spirit
This book was written to help you free up your physiology and your psyche so you can naturally rest into your true essence—true knowledge. The more fully you understand and directly experience that all existence emerges from an underlying field of pure abstract no-thingness, the more fully in touch you will be with true essence. Photography by Tanja Mamas.
From Chapter 14, Relationship with…
All too often, the current state of the object of our attention receives too much of our attention.
In actuality, the quality of our relationship with that object is critically important. A healthy Relationship with… is the key to success. This is true of our relationship with people and situations, be they personal, social, or global.
A healthy Relationship with… is not just an attitude or philosophy to cling to. Developing a healthy Relationship with… starts with cultivating a healthy life—a life freed from conditioning.
– Michael Mamas
Look Deeper Live Better
Verses for reflection that touch the place of wisdom and Truth inside. Topics vary from how to navigate life and multiple realities, to relationships. Each verse has an accompanying photo by Tanja Mamas or Martha Pollay.
Pages 64-65:
The path to the infinite
is profoundly elusive.
In the name of goodness,
people cease to be good.
In the name of divinity,
they cease to be divine.
In the name of love,
they breed hatred.
In the name of harmony,
they create discord.
Notions breed distortion.
The path to true goodness
transcends notions of goodness.
The path to true divinity
transcends notions of divinity.
The path to true love
transcends notions of love.
The path to true harmony
transcends notions of harmony.
– Michael Mamas
The Dharma Sutras
Verses for reflection that invite a person to go deeper to find their Dharma, one’s life purpose. They cover how the process works as well as providing a means to help discover one’s life purpose. Each verse has an accompanying photo by Tanja Mamas.
Page 52:
Listen to other opinions.
Then, take the time
to feel into those opinions for yourself.
Reflect and ponder.
Your path lies within you.
– Michael Mamas
The Relationship Sutras
Verses for reflection that take a person deeper and provide a fundamental understanding of relationships: what they are and how to make them work. Each verse has an accompanying photo by Tanja Mamas.
Number 13:
How easy it is to see
the distortions in other people.
How difficult it is to see
them in yourself.
Conflicts are generally
a tug-of-war between
two sets of distortions.
– Michael Mamas
The Golden Frog
A novel based on the true life story of the author, The Golden Frog explores the path of spiritual evolution in today’s world. It is a book full of stories within the story, unforgettable dialogues, and descriptions that capture a world beyond the relative….
From Chapter 15, The Tiger of a Dream:
…Gupta says that my Western education trained my brain to function unnaturally. He tells me he’s freeing my brain from that unhealthy state so it can operate properly. He says that deep inside, everyone already knows everything. By freeing the mind so it can function naturally, we’re able to tap into that place of wisdom and knowing that dwells within us. As a result, we learn to speak a language that’s not of man, but is of Mother Nature. It’s a more beautiful, efficient, and natural language than the one to which we are accustomed.
There’s so much more to say, but I’m too tired to go on right now.
Take care,
– Michael Mamas
Lily’s Magic Garden
A children’s book that both children and parents can enjoy. It is a book full of wisdom and symbolism. Illustrations by Kathleen Regan.
Pages 26-27:
Lily likes to talk to us as she tends to her gardening. She likes to show us how each flower is in its own stage of growing and blooming.
Some are in full bloom—she says they are showing all of their splendor. Some are just tiny little buds.
– Michael Mamas