It will be a huge step forward for humanity when it is finally widely recognized that the full depth and breadth of existence is lively and accessible through the human mind. As this becomes a common experience, humanity will also become aware of the intimate connection between the mechanics of the Transcendent and its dominant role in every field of life.
We inhabit a structure that includes three interconnected realms: the Physical, the Electromagnetic, and the Transcendental. Each realm is divided into a myriad of sublevels. Modern society identifies primarily with the Physical Realm. Newton’s laws of physics describe this realm and serve as the foundation for the great technologies of the current era. Logic reigns supreme. In the Physical Realm, matter is viewed as the essential nature of things. This realm includes not only the larger physical structures of our bodies, but also – at increasingly deeper levels – cellular structure, molecules and atoms.
Deeper than that is the Electromagnetic Realm, a more powerful level, which includes electricity, chemistry, etc. Deeper and more powerful still, we come to what physicists call the Quantum Mechanical Level. On the Quantum Mechanical level within the Transcendental Realm, we merge with the oneness of all things, while simultaneously maintaining our individuality.
In ancient times, the Transcendental unified field was referred to as the Veda. Light can be shed on its intimate connection with human awareness through a comparison with the phonograph invented by Thomas Edison. Edison took a large cone and attached a fine needle to the tip. He had the idea that if he spoke into the cone, the needle would vibrate in correlation to the fluctuations in his voice. Then he took a cylinder which was, years later, replaced with a record disk. The cylinder was originally made of soft wax. As it spun at a constant rate, he touched the needle to its surface and recited, “Mary had a little lamb,” which grooved a line into the cylinder. He spoke aloud and it went into the depth of the etching (out/in). Then he removed the needle, hardened the cylinder, spun it again at a constant rate, and placed the needle back into the groove. The groove then vibrated the needle in accordance with the etching and, as he put his ear to the cone, he could hear his own voice, “Mary had a little lamb.” The information from deep within the etching sounded out within the air (in/out). The phonograph was invented.
In ancient times, some people, now referred to as rishis or seers, refined their physiology to the extent it became a transgradient* “record player.” The self-interacting dynamic of pure consciousness, the Veda, acts as a recording, eternally pulsating at the depth of existence. Those rishis were capable of allowing those pulsations to well up transgradiently through their physiology to the Physical Level where their voice acted like Edison’s cone. That process is called Vedic cognition. They were re-cognizing the finest feeling level that eternally dwells as the source of existence. When people listened, they could tell it was something remarkable. Like Edison’s phonograph, it was discovered the process worked both ways—out/in and in/out.
The process began from deep within the rishi and went out through their vocal cords into the air as sound. Then that sound entered from outside the listener and went into the depth of their being. So it went from in the rishi, out to the surface as sound, and back into the depth of the listener.
Schools were created to train pundits, people to memorize and mimic what was being chanted by those rishis. The pundits then acted like tape recorders, saving the cognitions of the rishis for people to hear throughout the ages.
When pundits chanted the Veda and people listened, the vibrations reawakened deeper levels within the listener all the way to the source of the listener’s being, the Transcendent. It became a powerful tool to facilitate the evolution of the listener. To this day, pundits continue to chant the Veda. All the diverse qualities inherent in nature can be enlivened within the individual as that person listens to diverse aspects of Vedic cognition.
If some aspect of an individual’s physiology is dormant, weak, or out of balance, listening to the appropriate Vedic recitation can re-enliven and balance that quality within the individual. The art of ascertaining the appropriate aspect of Veda for a specific individual at a specific period in time lies within the realm of Jyotish.
Before the radio was invented, nobody thought you could say something into a box and somebody on another part of the earth could pick it up. Yet, now, it is commonplace. It’s remarkable, though we take it for granted because we’ve been doing it. On a deeper level, that kind of technology becomes more powerful. A Vedic temple utilizes the technology of the unified field that radiates an influence throughout the planet. It’s an influence that radiates the harmonious level of existence, that source of divinity. The effect dissipates the further out you get. Nevertheless, you can still hear that radio signal all the way around the world. We are building a temple that does not defy Vedic technology in the name of bias, cultural or otherwise. It will be like a radio transmitter that works on the unified field level of existence.
*transgradient – across the reality gradient. To exist transgradiently means to exist across the continuum of realities.
© Michael Mamas, 3/09