Note: The articles on and LinkedIn are NOT just for business people!
The Huffington Post
“The Secret to Understanding Anything”
To understand something, we generally feel that we must be able to define, explain, and tangibly hold it in our hand. But the subtleties of life, that which makes life sweet and beautiful, cannot be managed.
“6 Tips for Helping Employees Work Through Conflicts”
These tips help people resolve conflicts in any situation, not just work. Throughout my decades working in a leadership role, I’ve learned a lot about helping people through conflicts.
“Don’t Let Disappointment Derail Your Business”
Again, this article is not just for business people. In disappointing and stressful times, we can all feel the place inside of us where we could get angry or collapse or get caught up in the stress of the situation. In those times, we need to take a step back and find within ourselves a response that is effective and honorable.