by Michael Mamas | Sep 16, 2016 | Entertainment, Spirituality
I just published a new article on
"How The Matrix Captures Illusion and Reality"
It begins:
"Like many people, I thought the first Matrix movie was excellent, while the others didn’t really work for me. There is a very beautiful reason why"…
Read more.
(Comments on and shares/likes of the article are welcome.)
by Michael Mamas | May 30, 2016 | Entertainment |
I just watched again the beginning of the movie “Big” with Tom Hanks.
Zoltar, who grants wishes at the amusement park, represents the Transcendent. We all long to transcend worldly constraints, to find that unlimited, unconstrained, all knowing oneness within us.
This longing makes the world go ’round. It is longing. It is love. It is gravity. It is the only force in the universe displayed uniquely on each level of existence.
This force takes separation to Oneness, limitation to limitlessness, bounded to unbounded, emptiness to fullness, longing to fulfillment.
by Michael Mamas | Mar 30, 2016 | Entertainment |
Embracing the lighthearted fun of April Fool’s Day can offer enjoyment to everyone. However, it’s a very slippery slope. Humor at the expense of another person is not okay. Expense can come in many forms: embarrassment, humiliation, stress, hurt, and even grief or rage.
Before anybody can properly pull an April Fool’s prank, they would do well to imagine the feeling it will elicit in the other person. If it’s not a pleasant, lighthearted chuckle or smile, the prank is better left alone.
In fact, the best forms of humor may well be completely harmless puns. They hurt no one – just a simple play on words. We are all incredibly vulnerable creatures.
by Michael Mamas | Mar 8, 2016 | Entertainment |
Within a month, the movie, Miracles from Heaven, will be in the theaters. It is about a young girl with an ‘incurable’ disease. Falling from a tree 30 feet, she hit her head, yet emerged unharmed. She tells of how, upon landing upside down inside the hollowed-out trunk, she went to heaven where Jesus spoke with her. Telling him she wanted to stay with him, he said, “No, I have plans for you back on earth.” He said he would send a guardian angel with her to protect her from harm. Miraculously, after the fall, her incurable disease was gone.
Certainly we’ve heard many such miraculous accounts. They do little to shift people’s belief systems. The non-spiritual easily rationalize these accounts away as fanciful coincidences. Science is, of course, a fantastic tool. Yet many of life’s greatest mysteries cannot be fathomed through controlled laboratory tests or scientific experiments. The greatest wonders and most fulfilling aspects of life lie beyond the touch of our current scientific methods.
Everyone senses divinity deep within their own being. That divinity presents itself uniquely to every individual based upon their background and belief systems. For some, it is simply moral fiber or an inner sense of right and wrong. For others, it may be Jesus, Shiva, Durga, or what have you. There is only one unified field, one underlying basis to all of life and existence, one God. Yet that God has many faces.