Managers: How to Stay Focused on the Big Picture

How to Stay Focused on the Big Picture - Michael MamasAlbert Einstein said that you don’t really understand anything unless you can explain it to your grandmother. A very successful engineer with multiple patents had a motto: “Keep it simple stupid.” Ancient sages said that to really know something is to know it in seed form, just as all knowledge of a tree is contained in the seed. A good manager knows his business that well…

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Settling the Inner Tug of War Between Thoughts and Emotions

Wouldn’t it be a great world if everything we felt lined up with everything we intellectually knew? Imagine if the foods and beverages we felt inclined to consume were exactly what we knew to be good for us. A quick scan of the world makes it pretty clear that religious feelings outweigh humanity’s rational approach to spirituality. On the other hand, how many times have you had a gut feeling that turned out to be correct, in spite of what the rational intellect dictated? The question becomes: How do we balance and integrate our feelings with our thoughts? How do we get our intellect and our emotions to work together instead of combating one another? We can start making progress on these conundrums by paying attention to the below signs that signal areas of growth…
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New Articles Published – August 8, 2017

The Huffington Post

How Your 'Dark Night Of The Soul' Can Make You Stronger, by Michael Mamas“How Your ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ Can Make You Stronger”
Sooner or later, almost every one of us hits a wall. Our life stops working for us. It’s a time of great despair. Perhaps we had fulfilled our dream: a nice house, great spouse, two cars in the garage, kids, and a family pet. But then it happens. One day, after we attain our dream, we sit down, look around the house, and realize we’re not happy. We’re not really fulfilled. We realize there must be more to life and something critical is missing…
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Does Spirituality in the Workplace Need to Be Visible?, by Michael Mamas“Does Spirituality in the Workplace Need to Be Visible?”
For deeply spiritual employees, it may seem desirable for the workplace to be shared with like-minded people. Or to others, it might be important to work in an open-minded workplace where individuals can practice their religious traditions without judgment. Working in such environments is all well and good, but what if you don’t? What if other people in your workplace judge religions other than their own or are perhaps atheists? At first glance, that may seem to be a problem, but is it really?…
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How to Prevent Petty Conflicts and Nasty Rumors From Destroying Your Startup, by Michael Mamas“How to Prevent Petty Conflicts and Nasty Rumors From Destroying Your Startup”
I have a long-time friend who was part of a software startup company in Silicon Valley. He said that even though the idea and logistics of the organization were truly fantastic, the whole thing fell apart. When I asked him why, he said what destroyed the organization started out as petty conflicts from within. Those conflicts resulted in false rumors, which broke down the foundation of the organization…
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Three Recently Published Articles

The 'Tar Baby' Effect of Negative Thinking, by Michael MamasThe Huffington Post

“The ‘Tar Baby’ Effect of Negative Thinking”
Most everyone is aware of the power of positive thinking. We know that we create our own reality and are personally responsible for that reality. But understanding that concept is one thing, and living it in a healthy manner is quite another…
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Positivity: Denial vs. True Spirituality, by Michael

“Positivity: Denial vs. True Spirituality”
Spirituality is not about burying one’s head in the sand. Spirituality is about opening one’s eyes — seeing life for what it is. True positivity can be viewed as a physiological state attained through spiritual evolution, not an attitude or philosophy…
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The Healthy Role of Doubt in Your Business, by Michael MamasLinkedIn

“The Healthy Role of Doubt in Your Business”
Spirituality is not about burying one’s head in the sand. Spirituality is about opening one’s eyes — seeing life for what it is. True positivity can be viewed as a physiological state attained through spiritual evolution, not an attitude or philosophy…
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New Articles Published: July 14, 2017

inding Stability and Strength in Vulnerability, by Michael MamasThe Huffington Post

“Finding Stability and Strength in Vulnerability”
When feeling hurt (offended, contradicted, diminished, fearful, or otherwise imposed upon), a common tendency is to respond and defend with anger (or perhaps hysteria, rage, withdrawal, or collapse). It is very difficult for most of us to speak from the deeper place within us that is actually feeling the hurt…
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Healing the Schism between Religion and Science, by Michael

“Healing the Schism between Religion and Science”
For better or worse, it’s an epidemic: people are turning their backs on religion. Religious leaders are at a loss as to what to do about it. They may try to water down their teachings to make them more palatable, compromise their moral positions, or introduce non-traditional music into the church. One thing is for sure: they just don’t get what the problem is. It seems they are unable to respond to the underlying reason people are walking away. The fundamental problem is that religion, as it is understood today, is incompatible with the analytical and rational mentality that has become dominant in these modern times. It just does not make sense…
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