Your Personal Evolution

Your Personal Evolution, by Michael MamasThe courses and classes we offer establish the foundation for your personal evolution. But personal evolution is not just the result of the courses you attend. It is a lifestyle based upon those courses that you create and live. Choose the parameters of your life wisely. Then live that life.


Q&A About People in Recovery

I received the following question:

“For people in recovery, a sense of spirituality and self, as well as an honest appraisal of conditioning that has obscured the self, seem to me to be essential. I wonder if you have any more thoughts on this?”

To which I respond:

“You are absolutely correct. In particular, the direct experience of deeper values of the self is profoundly healing in recovery. That is why our meditation can help tremendously.”

CRS Blog 2017-01-19 - Michael Mamas

Don’t Try to Grasp the Ungraspable. Awaken to It.

Don't Try to Grasp the Ungraspable - Michael MamasI just published a new article on It begins:

Though we may all refer to it differently, everyone has some sense of universality. Some call it “morality,” others refer to it as “the family of humanity”. Some refer to that one thing that unifies us all as “God,” while others may think of it as the unified field. However we may think of it, we all share some sense of community or unification with humanity.

Even though that sense is universal, clearly our understanding of it varies greatly. There doesn’t seem to be a single explanation or understanding that satisfies everyone. However, there are some interesting perspectives that can provide us with some insight…

Read more:

“Don’t Try to Grasp the Ungraspable. Awaken to It.”

For Real Knowledge, Look Deeper than Facts

Facts Aren't Knowledge - Michael just published one of my recent articles. It begins:

“In the movie The Paper Chase, a Harvard law student boasted to professor Kingsfield about his photographic memory. Kingsfield told him that his photographic memory would not help him.

“Why? Because facts are only information. Our ability to put facts together is what makes us a person of knowledge. It is knowledge of a subject that enables us to deal with it effectively. To run your business successfully, you need to have knowledge of whatever your business is. But what are the components of knowledge, and what are its obstacles? Where do we look to find true knowledge, and how do we go about developing it for ourselves?”…

Read more:

“For Real Knowledge of Your Business Look Deeper Than Facts”

The Information Age

In this age, information is everywhere… the Internet, the newscasts, even bumper stickers. Warfare is information oriented. Psychological warfare between nations, cultures, political parties, and provincial groups. Discernment is of utmost importance. Indoctrination is everywhere. Do not base your life upon the whims and biases of life’s karmic winds… karmic whims… vogue perspectives. Discernment comes from deep within.

The Information Age - Michael Mamas

What an Elusive Diagram Can Teach Us About Finding Solutions

Two Boxes or Three? - Michael MamasI just published a new article on LinkedIn. It begins:

“In ninth grade algebra, the first page of my textbook had a diagram I never forgot. At the time, I didn’t understand why it struck me so deeply. But somehow I knew it was important. Looking at the diagram one way, it appeared to be a picture of two boxes stacked in a corner. Viewed another way, it appeared to be three boxes. Through the years, I’ve come to appreciate the significance of that image and how much the concept applies to business and life”…

Read more:

“What an Elusive Diagram Can Teach Us About Finding Solutions”