A bus load of fifth graders came out to visit Mount Soma yesterday. Watching the kids enjoy the beautiful fall weather here was quite moving for me. Kids are so awesome. I spoke with one of the mothers after the kids left. She was excited to see that Mount Soma is here. Living nearby, she plans to visit the temple often with her family. There is something about fall weather and watching kids with their school books and backpacks that is so nostalgic and emotional for me. It was a beautiful time, just witnessing the kids.
Similarly, watching the families that visit on the weekends moves me. I sorta feel like Walt Disney, creating something that families enjoy together.
I stopped by the Union at lunch time to visit with everyone. The feeling is so wonderful here. The sense of community is beautiful. We are all so fortunate to have this place.
It was wonderful seeing the kids, and hearing Dave give them a talk.
And it is always a treat when Dr. Mamas stops by and visits unexpectedly…He always expresses deep knowledge and wisdom that is both uplifting and deepening.
Beautiful, thank you. I was just sitting in the sun, enjoying the sound of the crickets and that unique feeling in the air this time of year.
Thanks also for your talk with us at lunch. It is a great treasure to be here.
Am feeling a strong tugging in my heart to be there!