Moving Beyond Self-Limitation Begins Here, by Michael MamasThe Huffington Post

“Moving Beyond Self-Limitation Begins Here”
We all paint ourselves into a corner with our habitual thinking, feelings, and behavior. It’s not so difficult to see how other people do this, but it can be very difficult to see how we do it to ourselves. If only we could step out of our own head, and into someone else’s for just a minute, it would be worth a lifetime of psychotherapy. The more insight we gain into how other people paint themselves into a corner, the more capable we become of taking a look at how we do it.
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To Disarm Negativity in your Team, First Understand its Function, by Michael MamasLinkedIn

“To Disarm Negativity in your Team, First Understand its Function”
It is important to understand that venting and negativity are normal and here to stay. From time to time, they are going to happen. So, it is important for you, as well as everyone else on your team, to find ways to deal with them constructively.
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