The further the pendulum swings one way, the further it will swing back the other. If not for the seriousness of the matter, the current race for the presidency couldĀ be viewed as a humorous illustration of this principle. Some would say that Obama’s liberalism elicited the extreme fanatical conservatism of Ted Cruz. The pendulum then swings to the previously unthinkable socialistic tenants of Bernie Sanders, only to swing wildly in the opposite direction to Trump’s unbridled positions and expressions.
It’s no surprise that politicians then characterize one another with such extreme expressions as communist, criminal, madman, liar, crackpot, etc. The recent debates come across more as a flurry of temper tantrums rather than as an articulate discussion of global issues.
It’s commonly said that what’s on the outside is on the inside. That’s a terrifying thought! The only way out of this tornado of political turmoil is to tend to what dwells within, namely stresses, strains, and the seething torrent of anger and hatred. Everybody just needs to calm down!
My advise to all those politicians and the public that elects them is to Learn Surya Ram Meditation!
I see the sense of political figures as being an expression of the collective (or at least part of it). They seem to mirror back to us (again the general us) what is within the collective. It seems to have become this wild tug-o-war this round between two opposite sides of the psyche within a greater psyche that has not learned to be with itself and mature with regards to the the other side. It seems like we are seeing what has been festering for so long, coming to the surface, to show us the consequences of not knowing, understanding and living by what has been made clear, through the courses, the teachings, the vision you have worked to bring forth at Mount Soma and before. The image and words that come to mind now are “bending like a reed in the wind”.
They would probably find your perspectives incomprehensible but what you say makes a lot of sense to me.
If we want to get to a goal, maybe what is important is not so much the brand of car we drive but the consciousness and skill of the driver. Maybe the political philosophy is like the brand of car. Perhaps meditation is the way to increase the skill and consciousness of the driver.
They should all join us at Mount Soma for a debatitation weekend!
That would be amazing if everyone was meditating regularly and able to come from a place of deep reflection when making decisions. That said, I believe people would still come to different conclusions about how to run the country. Right?
How the world would change if politicians would start meditating!That I would love to see.
A scary time! My reaction has been to keep a low profile and meditate. Not sure that’s the most helpful in this situation…
The two party system is a set up. Diametrically opposed ideologies. Divide and conquer. Both political parties work for the same corporations. The UNITED STATES is itself a corporation. District of Columbia Act of 1871. All capitalization carries legal implications. Admiralty law has been imposed upon us as the law of the land. Corporations are not people. Money does not equal free speech. NGOs and lobbyists control virtually every elected official. You say you want a revolution? Well, you know We all want to change the world!
many great and valid comments
thank you
I am finding the upcoming election to be fascinating. What an incredible combination of characters. I wonder if any of them would make a good president… Are we really headed towards electing a reality television show host? or a socialist? or someone under FBI investigation? or a radical evangelistic? Seriously…
I find that the current turmoil, intensified by nearness through the internet has actually strengthened my practice to maintain the peace inside me.
Perhaps Ben Carson had the funniest line of last night debate when he said, “Could somebody attack me please?”
That is an excellent practice to maintain. Of course, it is not accomplished so much by suppression of inner turmoil as it is removal of stresses and strains that cause inner turmoil. Surya Ram Meditation is the most powerful tool to facilitate that practice. Your statement succinctly expresses the entire purpose of my life and our school. Of course, effective practice is the essential, imperative and often misunderstood aspect of the equation. Sweeping dust under the rug is not the same as cleaning the house. May we all stay committed to the goal you stated here.
I wish there was a secret button to push for a post as important as this one! Maybe spot lights and sirens come out of ones monitor..or maybe something so mesmerizing people just could not avoid reading it. Well is a thought.
Thanking you as always for all that you do
flurry of temper tantrums is right… they are all acting like a bunch of big babies…i think hm is right though. even if they all meditated they’d come to different decisions about how to run the country. but they might not act so dreadful in the process!
With just a satellite radio to listen to, I’ve found it amusing to listen to many stations and commentaries. Many days I just laugh at the dog and pony show. I remind myself, re: Jyotish, 2016 is full of change, advances, strife and turmoil, and to continue to rest into the self, and continue to carry my umbrella. It will be fascinating where 2016 takes us. It is Kali Yuga. Discernment is helpful.
thumps up