Bruce Lee on Learning

Bruce LeeBruce Lee was clearly influenced by deep spiritual knowledge. His genius was in his ability to apply that understanding to his personal life, his personal interests, and his individual path. Within us lies the infinite unboundedness of our own true Nature. That place which is one with all of Nature. The Home, the source of all Knowledge and all that is. To be ignorant is to ignore one’s own true Nature and instead lose ourselves to limitation… to echoes of Truth perceived as Truth. Limitation is identity with those echoes to which we faithfully, devotedly, and passionately adhere. We call those echoes our belief systems, our faith, our truth, our philosophy, our love, our religion. Our freedom, our genius, our grandeur, our wisdom, our true nature… that is what we shroud with our devotion to such limitation. But we do not view our limitations as limitations. We view our limitations as our own self, our own freedom, genius, wisdom, love, truth, street smarts… call it what you will.

Spiritual liberation means liberation from such limitations. Yet we are not speaking of anarchy here. A true teacher assists us along the path to free us from that path. The bits of information and life experiences thusly provided are merely sign posts along the way. Ultimately, the Veda is not words, life experiences, information, facts or principles. Ultimately, the Veda is the infinite, unbounded nature of all life and existence that we find deep within ourselves… beyond all thought, all belief systems, faiths, philosophies, all we cling to in the name of Truth. That which can be grasped is not Truth. Truth can not be grasped. Truth can only be lived.

As Bruce Lee puts it:

“Learning is discovery, the discovery of the cause of our ignorance. However, the best way of learning is not the computation of information. Learning is discovering, uncovering what is there in us. When we discover, we are uncovering our own ability, our own eyes, in order to find our potential, to see what is going on, to discover how we can enlarge our lives, to find means at our disposal that will let us cope with a difficult situation.”

“We do not have to “gain” freedom because freedom has always been with us and is not something to be gained in the end through strict and faithful adherence to some definite formulas. Formulas can only inhibit freedom and preformations only squelch creativity and impose mediocrity.”

“Learning is definitely not mere imitation or the ability to accumulate and conform to fixed knowledge.”

Advanced Techniques 3

Blue Ridge  SunriseWhen Tat Wale Baba, a great saint of India, was asked why the universe manifested, he responded by saying, “It didn’t.” Everything is the Transcendent. All the worlds, planes of existence, Rishis, Gods… everything dwells within the Transcendent. The Advanced Techniques give the tools to explore everything that lies within the Transcendent… within you. This is where the adventure begins.

From one perspective, the Transcendent is flat… pure No-thing-ness. But just as nothing appears within the camera lens, everything is accessible through it. The lens is the portal to everything. Now is the time to start directly cultivating a life of Unity Consciousness. Now is the time to begin to look through the Cosmic Portal of the Transcendent. Now is when we have the opportunity for our meditations to start becoming really fascinating and, to say the least, FUN!!

Soon the application, registration information, and forms will be coming out for this summer’s Advanced Techniques Course. Please keep your schedule open July 6-13. Summer Retreat will immediately follow (July 14-21). I believe this is something everyone will want to attend.

Meditation is designed to awaken the awareness and physiology to the Transcendent. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras more fully bring out the qualities and potential of the Transcendent. The Advanced Techniques actually explore the structure of, and worlds within, the Transcendent. I hope you can join us for this grand adventure!

Don’t Try to Grasp the Ungraspable. Awaken to It.

Don't Try to Grasp the Ungraspable - Michael MamasI just published a new article on It begins:

Though we may all refer to it differently, everyone has some sense of universality. Some call it “morality,” others refer to it as “the family of humanity”. Some refer to that one thing that unifies us all as “God,” while others may think of it as the unified field. However we may think of it, we all share some sense of community or unification with humanity.

Even though that sense is universal, clearly our understanding of it varies greatly. There doesn’t seem to be a single explanation or understanding that satisfies everyone. However, there are some interesting perspectives that can provide us with some insight…

Read more:

“Don’t Try to Grasp the Ungraspable. Awaken to It.”

Faith Is Fulfilled When Transformed Through Knowledge

Faith & Knowledge - Michael MamasI just published a new article on It begins:

In a recent lecture I gave, a man came up to the microphone and said, “My kids don’t really believe in God and that really upsets me. I just tell them to have faith.”

I responded by saying, “No, no, no. People are no longer willing to just have faith, and they no longer need to. We live in a time of such scientific advancement in so many fields of knowledge that all the different pieces of the life’s puzzle can come together into a unified whole. Ultimately, what Albert Einstein said is true: “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” That’s what is really meant by “blind faith.” Science and religion coexist without conflict. One supports the other. And that can bring tremendous fulfillment”…

Read more:

“Faith Is Fulfilled When Transformed Through Knowledge”

Getting Off the Hamster Wheel of Our Own Belief Systems

Hamster WheelI just published a new article on

It begins:

“We need to understand that even the worst belief systems are, from their perspective, well-intended and correct. Be it healthy or sick, people can have an idealized notion of what the world should look like. If they can just make the world their way, they believe they are making a better world. Horrifically enough, even the Nazis felt that way, and so does ISIS”…

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“Getting Off the Hamster Wheel of Our Own Belief Systems”

Truth is a Probability Cloud

Truth is a Probability Cloud - Michael MamasThe Huffington Post just published another one of my articles. It begins:

“Don’t we all spend a lot of time looking for the truth behind every situation? Yet, there seem to be an infinite number of contradictory perspectives for every situation. It’s these perspectives that make up the very thing that creates this world. It’s as if the truth of any situation waxes insignificant. Instead, it is the popular perspective that rules the day. As Winston Churchill put it, “History is written by the victors.” Yet that truth applies not only to world history, but to the life and history of every individual on the planet. How we’re viewed seems to count for a great deal more than who we actually are”…

Read more:

“Truth Is a Probability Cloud”