What an Elusive Diagram Can Teach Us About Finding Solutions

Two Boxes or Three? - Michael MamasI just published a new article on LinkedIn. It begins:

“In ninth grade algebra, the first page of my textbook had a diagram I never forgot. At the time, I didn’t understand why it struck me so deeply. But somehow I knew it was important. Looking at the diagram one way, it appeared to be a picture of two boxes stacked in a corner. Viewed another way, it appeared to be three boxes. Through the years, I’ve come to appreciate the significance of that image and how much the concept applies to business and life”…

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“What an Elusive Diagram Can Teach Us About Finding Solutions”

The Delicate But Necessary Task of Opening Pandora’s Box

Pandora's Box - Michael MamasEntrepreneur.com just published one my latest articles. It begins:

As head of an organization, this happens all the time. Somebody comes up to me really upset and says so-and-so said such-and-such. I respond by saying, “That’s terrible. How could they say such a thing! What did you tell them? What did you say?” The response is always the same: “Oh, I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t say anything?” I exclaim. “How could you just let that pass? Why didn’t you say something?” Again the response is standard: “Oh, I just didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to say it. And besides, I was afraid they’d get mad. I didn’t want to rock the boat. Who knows where it could have led?”

Time to open Pandora’s Box!…

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“A Delicate But Necessary Task of Opening Pandora’s Box”

How to Gain Respect Instead of Making an Enemy

Gain Respect - Michael MamasEntrepreneur.com just published one of my latest articles. It begins:

“Most people have a role model in one form or another. For me, it was my great uncle on my father’s side. Born in Greece, he came to America at the age of 14, unable to speak a word of English. He was not formally educated. But by reading a lot, he was quite knowledgeable, refined and, above all else, very wise. When I was a child, he told me, “Any fool can make an enemy. It takes a wise person to make a friend.” It’s a simple notion, yet one very few master”…

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“Here’s How to Gain Respect Instead of Making an Enemy”

How to Transform Conflict and Gain Respect

Transforming Conflict - Michael MamasEntrepreneur.com just published my article about dealing with conflict. It begins:

“Wouldn’t it be a different world if everybody behaved in a way that is to your liking? Unfortunately, people’s responses can often be anger, resentment, dissent or sarcasm. That can feel like a slap in the face, with your first response being to retaliate. At first glance, the very idea of simply “turning the other cheek” can seem weak, pathetic and ineffective, not to mention unnatural. But if you take a more insightful look, turning the other cheek can offer a powerful, effective and masterful response”…

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“How to Transform Conflict and Gain Respect”

4 Keys to Mastering the Art of Delegation

The Art of Delegation - Michael MamasOne of my new articles has been published on Entrepreneur.com. It begins:

“As the old adage goes: “Do less and accomplish more; do nothing and accomplish everything.” When running a business, the perpetual, though eternally unattainable goal, is to make yourself dispensable. All too often, business owners feel that if they are not actively engaged or at least available for their business 24/7, the business will fall apart. It’s as if they have a bull by the tail and simply cannot let go for one second. This is a formula for disaster”…

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“4 Keys to Mastering the Art of Delegation”

How to Transform Anger into Constructive Action

Transform Anger - Michael MamasEntrepreneur.com just published my latest article. It begins:

“Yesterday, I had a conference call with business partners scheduled for 2:30 p.m. At 2:45, I received a call saying we had to wait because one of the partners hadn’t called in yet. Calls like that kept coming in for the next two hours, leaving me more and more frustrated. It wouldn’t have been so upsetting, except this same partner has done this time and time again. As it turned out, he did call on time, but someone missed his call.

“While sitting by the phone waiting, I reflected upon what I should say and how I should say it. I knew it would be detrimental to speak of it in anger. But I knew it would also be detrimental to say nothing”…

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“How to Transform Anger Into Constructive Action”