How Taking the Perspective of 100% Responsibility Resolves Conflict and Builds Teams

100% Responsibility - Michael just published one of my latest articles. It begins:

“Conflicts and arguments in the workplace are very common — and very detrimental — to a business. Conflicts among coworkers can damage productivity, impact employee morale and hurt the work environment. Things can even get bad enough that employees quit. When that happens, it is a terrible reflection on the individuals involved in the conflict and on the business as a whole. How team members feel when they think of their workplace is critical to the success of the business.

“Think of the last time you were in an argument. Chances are, it was easy to see how the other person was wrong. What’s usually not so easy to see is how we could have been wrong. Our ego and identity with our perspective make our fault in the conflict difficult to see. There’s an effective tool that, when used properly, can help us. It’s called ‘100 percent responsibility'”…

Read more:

“How Taking the Perspective of 100% Responsibility Resolves Conflict and Builds Teams”

How to Escape the Corporate Barbie-and-Ken Behavioral Model

Corporate Barbie and Ken - Michael published one of my new articles. It begins:

“Pretty much everybody these days is onto the idea that we shouldn’t try to look like a Barbie or Ken doll. It’s unnatural, unrealistic, and unhealthy. Not nearly as many people understand that success isn’t about being a behavioral Barbie or Ken. Many in corporate America have the idea that there’s an ideal behavioral pattern they must adhere to in order to be successful in the business environment”…

Read more:

“You Don’t Need to be Barbie or Ken to Succeed in Corporate America”

Focus Fully and Then Let Go

Focus Fully and Let Go, Michael just published one of my new articles. It begins:

“Right out of veterinary medical school, I dived right into my practice. It overtook my every waking moment. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and even on my days off, I’d be in the clinic. Finally after a number of years, it got to be too much and I sold my practice.

“It’s taken me a number of years to really appreciate the power and importance of a very simple principle: Focus on what you’re doing and when you’ve done all that can be done at that time, just drop it. Go on to something else”…

Read more:

“The Limitless Power of Focusing Fully and Then Letting Go”

The Importance of Adapting Your Worldview to Reality

Adapting Worldview to Reality - Michael just published one of my latest articles. It begins:

“How exasperating it is to see how a person is “gone,” lost to a limited world they consider reality.

“Ken is a great coworker. He’s productive, intelligent and hard-working. But I see him over and over again, shooting himself in the foot with a lack of trust that permeates his world. It seems no situation or person can be trusted. Lack of trust is a constant red light that prevents him from moving forward. He views anything that ever goes wrong in business and his life as a justification for his distrustful perspective”…

Read more:

“The Importance of Adapting Your Worldview to Reality”

Top 5 Psychodynamic Buzzwords for the Business Person

I just published a new article on LinkedIn. It begins:

“Psychodynamics is one of those fields of knowledge that can be illustrated with a handful of buzzwords. Witnessing how people behave in business proves the need to understand and apply some of these buzzwords. Buzzwords help us name what it is we’re experiencing and give us the ability to work with those experiences. The buzzwords help us take a step back and understand how we can improve upon our behavior. After all, admirable behavior is one of our strongest assets in the business world”…

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“Top 5 Psychodynamic Buzzwords for the Business Person”
(Comments, shares and likes are welcome.)

Psychodynamic Buzzwords - Michael Mamas

Even Busy Business People Need Quiet Time

Quite Time - Michael MamasI just published a new article on LinkedIn.

It begins:

“It’s 2 a.m., my usual rising time. My wife and children are all fast asleep. The house is silent, lit only by an occasional nightlight. I quietly slip out of bed, and make my way down the stairs to my home office. I flip open my laptop, the only source of light in the room, and settle before it in my armchair. I have no particular purpose or intention at that time. I am just there, in quiet stillness, allowing my still, peaceful, nighttime awareness to float where it may.

“This is the time when I naturally reflect upon the status of my life, both business and personal. I feel no need to make decisions or come up with conclusions about anything. I am just there, as my silent thoughts naturally sort themselves out. It is an effortless time. I do not try to direct my intention or focus my thoughts. In their own time, insights or worthwhile, new perspectives arise, as if almost by themselves. I may jot down a word or sentence here or there, just as a reminder for later reference. These reminders need not be complete concepts. In fact, they probably should not be complete concepts. They just serve as reminders that I can come back to later during the busy times of day to deal with in an active way”…

Read more:

“Even Busy Business People Need Quiet Time”
(Comments, shares and likes are welcome.)